Wednesday, January 18, 2012

End of the year

Well I'm a little late but happy 2012! The last couple months the whole blogging thing fell by the wayside, sadly enough. I'm pretty sure I achieved my goal of reading 25 books in one year, I may have even done more. After this year I realized that I go through cycles with my reading habits. Some months I tear through 3-4 books and others I make my way leisurely through 1. Just these past 3 weeks I have read over 4 books! So who knows, maybe I am on another upward trend of reading. Despite my 'challenge' being over I am going to continue reading and writing about the books that I come across. Hopefully I will have the endurance to keep up with all the writing. In all honesty I shouldn't look at the writing as a chore, instead it should be a place where I can share my love for books. So I bid a fond farewell to 2011 and all the books I read over the year. I am definitely looking forward to 2012 and the many new books it will put in my path!

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