Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bookshelf Obsession

Well, I am still chugging along through a very thick book. Although it is not a very difficult read, the shear length is the challenge (approx 900 pages). I've been told by some friends and family members that if I picked shorter books I would complete the challenge faster. I don't know why but that just seems like cheating to me. If I am going to read I am going to READ. Hopefully I can crank it out in a week or two, but until then here's a random post to keep you entertained.

So in my constant pursuit of procrastination I stumbled upon this blog with these amazing photos of bookshelves. I know, what is so great about bookshelves? What could be so exciting about that? Well I love books so it just makes sense that I love the shelves they rest on. I say the bigger and more dramatic the better. Right now I have a $30 shelf that I purchased from Target this past summer. Now don't get me wrong, I like my bookshelf and it does the trick. Yet I still yearn for a shelf as dramatic as some of the images I found today. Until the day I can afford to hire an amazing carpenter to build my $20,000 bookshelf masterpiece I will just be content with drooling at pictures of said shelves. If anyone else shares my weird bookshelf fetish here is a link to the blog post I found the photos on:
Apartment Therapy -- Bookshelf Envy

Also, I just uncovered another tumblr photo blog called Bookshelf Porn. Yes, you heard me right, porn. I bet you never thought you'd ever see those two words in the same sentence. This site may be even better than the earlier Bookshelf Envy article. You have to see some of these amazing shelves, they are more like works of art than actual shelves.

Bookshelf Wall (Courtesy of

I want this shelf. Wait, no. I need this shelf! (Courtesy of



    - Shannon

  2. WOW. Makes me want to stop giving my old books to the library so I can stack them up someplace.
